Red lentils – why is it worth eating it as often as possible?
It is a rich source of protein
digestible 85%, therefore it is
recommended in the diet of vegetarians
and vegans.
It helps to prevent hypertension
Reduces the risk of stroke and heart
Lowers the level of bad cholesterol in
It’s a source of folic acid, so it is
recommended for pregnant women and
planning offspring
It helps to fight stress and
It prevents muscle cramps
It has the effect of reducing the risk
getting sick of various kinds tumors
It prevents constipation
It is recommended for struggling people
with diabetes
It supports weight loss
Red lentils are very easy to prepare.
It does not need to be soaked beforehand and it is only boiled for a dozen 15 minutes.
You can use it for a variety of dishes.
Works great in:
* sauces,
* pates that are to have a fine structure,
* mixed stuffing,
* soups -creams,
* chops
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